Membership is open to all persons who share the objectives of the Friends group set out on the Home page.
Please note we are not currently able to involve individual young people in volunteering. This is due to the nature of the roles that we offer and/or to our limited capacity to provide appropriate supervision. Most volunteering opportunities on the website, therefore, have a minimum age of 18 years.
You can apply for Membership by following the ‘Apply Online’ link below.
Current Membership Categories & Subscriptions
Individual membership – £5
Household membership (two or more people at the same address) – £10
Associate membership (available to students in full time education, registered disabled and recipients of the following: Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, the guaranteed element of Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit) – no charge.
Please submit your membership fee by Standing Order (please email for a Standing Order form) or via PayPal by using the button below. By submitting the online application form and payment, you are deemed to have signed the form.
Alternatively cheques can be made payable to Friends of Cardiff Reservoirs and forwarded to the Society Membership Secretary. Please email for the postal address.
Please send any membership enquiries to: